Career Advisory

Marlene has successfully advised organizations and coached professionals at all levels of experience for over 25 years. She has worked directly with senior hiring executives across a variety of industries, and understands the demands of many different roles and the paths that lead to successful careers in domestic and global organizations.

The critical element of a leadership challenge, job search or a career transition involves setting clear goals. Marlene’s coaching process is therefore specific to each individual and may focus on:

• Communication and skill assessments

• Review of resume, cover letter, linked-in profile, and social media presence      

• job search strategy

• Identify Targets for a Lateral or Upward Move

• effective networking tools

• successful interviewing techniques

• compensation negotiation strategies

• time and people management skills

• Determine the Options for a Career Transition

Notable Coaching Achievements:

• Worked with MBA graduate on resume, linked in profile, cover letter, and networking which resulted in a job offer at a top investment firm

• Conducted mock interviews and case studies with a recent graduate to win a job offer at top consulting firm

• Advised executives at a growing investment bank on the challenges of new promotions and greater management responsibilities

• Worked with C-suite finance executive seeking transition which led to a new business development role within a growth industry

• Successfully helped mid-level executive relocate geographically by securing a new position 

• Completed TOFT – Life Coaching Certification

• Mentored College Students from alma mater to obtain highly competitive summer internships

Client Reviews:

"Marlene met me at a pivotal point in my career and helped me network and become more targeted in my approach to finding investors for my business. She is a thoughtful friend and coach, and I rely on her advice for all important life decisions. Marlene gives excellent advice and is realistic about career goals. She understood my strengths and weaknesses and helped me figure out my career path!"

"The best intro consultation I’ve had. Marlene provided a lot of value from the 1st interaction. I look forward to working with her regularly.""

"Marlene's advice and detailed review was very helpful in my interview preparation!"

"Marlene was very knowledgeable and helpful. She provided me with ideas and solutions that I’ve never thought about during my job search process. She showed me an endorsement that I felt, I can trust her immediately."

"I met Marlene when I was let go from my first job at (Global Shipping Company) through a mutual friend of ours. I was incredibly upset after I was let go and reached out to Marlene because I wanted to make the transition into investment banking. This transition was incredibly difficult, but Marlene gave me the confidence and guidance in a structured approach that proved incredibly helpful. I will forever be in debt to Marlene for helping me out at that point in my life, and I firmly believe she will be instrumental to anyone looking to make a career change."

"Marlene is not only professional and extremely knowledgeable about recruiting trends, she is a very nice person as well."

"Marlene was so wonderful giving career guidance and helping me access all my options."