When I first started recruiting in the financial services sector, clients didn’t want to look at a candidate that “job-hopped”. Even the most logical explanations didn’t convince hiring managers that someone wouldn’t necessarily move again, whether given the opportunity to make more money or find a quicker path to promotion at another firm. In some respects, that perception of disloyalty has not changed. The good news is that there are now exceptions that make it possible to justify a more complicated job history, and the challenge is for the candidate or the recruiter presenting them to convince the interviewer that they are indeed more thoughtful about their career, interested in committing to their next platform, and positively brings a greater level of experience and skills to the role they are applying for.
While a candidate’s resume, cover letter, on-line profile, even fantastic references may interest a hiring manager, effective interviewing is the key to getting hired if your resume is “busy”. Learning how to present your timeline in writing is only the first challenge. Communicating your story effectively in person, or by video, will require a well thought out and practiced script. A #Career Coach will work with you to write that script and pass this second challenge. Candidates must explain job changes in a way that shows how each role helped them progress towards their career goal. Focusing on the skills and experience gained in each position along the way will provide a launch pad to give an honest summary of why this new job/platform/industry presents the challenge you have been seeking.
The third challenge requires research and gaining “the inside scoop” on the firm you are targeting. This knowledge will differentiate a candidate from their peers and allow them to #ACE The Interview.